Welcome to Room 14's blog for 2015!! We are a group of 21 Year 2 children from Hampstead School in Ashburton, NZ.

We hope you enjoy looking at all the fun things we get up to, please leave a comment or follow us by email.

Have a great year!

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Student of the Week

Last Friday in assembly Mr Melrose gave out a Student of the Week award like always... but this week it was different because it was someone from Room 14!!! 

Who was it??

It was Amelia!! She has a great sense of humour and works hard during class time to get her work done. Another amazing thing about Amelia is that she helps others out when they don't understand something in their school work.

Awesome job Amelia, we'll keep you in Room 14!!!

Here is Amelia accepting her award! 

Mr Melrose read out her certificate for everyone to hear

Well done Amelia! 

Snow in Ashburton!

One Thursday afternoon just before pack up time we spotted snow falling outside the window at school!

Boy were we excited!!! Miss Brown said that if we packed up really fast that we could go out and play in it... wow cool! 

It was Duncan's birthday that day, what an awesome present! Some of us had never seen snow before!!!

Can you see the snow?

It was raining before it snowed.... 

It melted when it hit the ground :( 

We had to put our coats on to keep warm!

Bella caught lots of snow on her!

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Weaving Baskets

Today Miss Brown gave us a weaving challenge, we had to try and do it all by ourselves.

She showed us how to make baskets out of paper by weaving them and then stapling all the pieces together. 

We worked in buddies to make it a bit easier and we had a great time! 

Have a look at how awesome they look.

Look at everyone working together! 

Great concentration

Was it tricky Duncan and Maa?

Good work Zac! 

Awesome baskets Room 14!!

Science Experiments

This term our topic focus is Science. We have been learning all about light; how shadows are made, what transparent, translucent and opaque mean and different sources of light. 

Last week we did an awesome experiment with a UVA light - that light is different from the UVB light that comes from the sun (it won't give you sunburn).

We had to write a secret message in vaseline to a buddy and then use the UVA light to help it show up... 

Mrs Johnston helped us read our notes

It was sometimes hard to read the whole message

I wonder what Bella's said?

After we wrote with vaseline we tried writing with highlighters on black paper. 
We couldn't see the message without the light but then we put it under the UVA light and it showed up... just like magic! 

Wow! I can read that message really well! 

Harry  wrote a funny note to his buddy! 

Sunday, 14 June 2015

The New Bike Track

On Monday Room 14 went to see the new bike track.

This was how we felt before we saw it.... 

We are EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some of us are running on the track

Saydie is at the top of the hill

Room 14 thinks the bike track is AWESOME!!!!!!

My favourite part of the bike track is....... 

Bella - The hills!
Charlotte - The side bits where it goes up on the sides!
Brock - The whole track!
Apai -  when we ran the bike track!
Alfred - the bumps!
Saydie - the end because there is a turn and then you go back on the bumps!
Maa - when we ran the whole way around it!
Harry - the sharp turns!
Zaylah-Cru - when we got to turn! 
Kymani-Cruz - the bumps!
Amelia - everything!
Annaliese - the hills!
Duncan - everything!
Zac - the bumps and the hill!
Kaha - all the turns and the bumps!
Wiremu - the turns and the bumps!
Caleb - the big hill!
Kalotia - the hills! 
Miss Brown - seeing Room 14 have so much fun! 

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

what we like about school

I like school because teacher helps us with our worksheets. From Kelly

What I like about school is playing in the playground with my friends. By kaha

what we like about school

I like school because we do Reading in Room 14 .                                                              

From Alfred.

I  like  school  because  we  do  ICT  in  Room  14
From   Hayden.

What we like about school

What I like about school is reading because we read books. By Duncan

What I like about school is playing with everyone because they are my friends. By Caleb

What we like about school

What I like about school is maths because we learn stuff.
By Saydie.

what we like about school

What I  like about  school is  playing on the  computers 
by Eva

What I like about school is playing on the activboard. 
by Apaiata

what we like about school

What I like about school is doing  maths.    By Kalotia Ula. 

What I like about school is doing poetry writing.     
By Chanelle Ula. 

what we like about school

What I like about school is doing fun maths. I like quarters. By Wiremu

What I like about school is amazing games on the internet in the class on Thursday. By Zac

What we like about school

What I like about school is playing Reading Games.
By Kymani-Cruz

What I like about school is  going  outside to have a good game  .
By Maanaima.Lene.      

What we like about school

What I like about school is playing on the computers.

By Annaliese

what we like about school.

What I like about school is when we do fitness because we have to run around the court. 

By Zaylah-Cru.

What we like about school

What I like about school is Reading time all the time By Brock

Weaving Colourful Robots

We had to get some colourful shiny paper to make it look like a metal robot. We had to get our orange warp (the bit that stays still) that was the body and we had to weave our shiny paper through it.

Then we had to colour the robot head in with colourful pastels and cut them out.

We folded blue paper into zig zaggy legs and arms. After that we glued all the pieces together!  

We are weaving! 

Zac, Saydie, Zauylah-Cru and Kymani-Cruz are weaving

Look at how hard we are working! 

We are awesome at weaving!